
原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的临床X线诊断(附20例报告) 被引量:18

X-ray Diagnosis of the Primary Gastric Malignant Lymphoma: An Analysis of 20 Cases
摘要 目的 探讨原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的双对比X线征象。材料与方法 对经上消化道双对比造影的 2 0例原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的X线表现 ,从病变形态、大小、数目、部位及范围、胃腔胃壁及功能改变、胃粘膜皱襞改变等方面进行分析。结果 胃粘膜皱襞异常肥大 12例 (60 % ) ,多结节 6例 (3 0 % ) ,不规则浅大溃疡 4例 (2 0 % ) ,巨大软组织块影 2例 (10 % ) ,多种形态病灶并存 14例(70 % ) ;病变大小超过 5cm者 16例 ,占 80 % ;呈多发者 18例 (90 % ) ;胃壁增厚变僵 18例 (90 % ) ,胃蠕动减弱但存在者 2 0例 (10 0 % ) ;胃腔明显缩小狭窄仅 1例 (5 % )。结论 病变的多形性、多灶性、弥漫性及范围广泛 ,胃壁增厚但保持一定的柔软性和蠕动为原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的重要X线征象 ,且X线与临床表现的严重程度常不成比例。上消化道双对比造影对本病的术前诊断具有较大价值。 Objective To analyze the double contrast X ray findings of the primary gastric malignant lymphoma.Materials and Methods Double contrast G I series was performed in 20 cases with primary gastric malignant lymphoma. The X ray manifestations of the lesion, including its shape, size, number, site and extent, and the X ray changes in gastric wall, mucosa and gastric function, were analyzed.Results On X ray, the following signs were found: (1) hypertrophic gastric mucosal fold (n=12, 60%), irregular ulcer (n=4, 20%), huge mass (n=2, 10%), multiple shaped lesions (n=14, 70%), size of lesion >5cm (n=16, 80%), multiple masses (n=18, 90%), thickened gastric wall (n=18, 90%), weakened gastric peristalsis (n=20, 100%) and shrunken gastric lumen (n=1, 5%).Conclusion The typical X ray manifestations of primary gastric malignant lymphoma are multiple, diffuse and extensive lesions with different shape, thickened gastric wall with some flexibility and peristalsis in a certain degree. Usually, the X ray findings are not in agreement with the severity of the symptoms presented clinically. Double contrast GI series is of much value for making diagnosis preoperatively.
出处 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期206-209,共4页 Journal of Clinical Radiology
关键词 原发性胃肿瘤 恶性淋巴瘤 X线诊断 病例报告 Stomach Lymphoma X ray diagnosis
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