幽门螺杆菌空泡毒素是该菌产生的与已知其它细菌毒素无明显同源性的唯一蛋白毒素。该毒素是幽门螺杆菌重要的毒力致病因子 ,它的产生与感染者胃肠上皮损伤和溃疡形成密切相关。本文就幽门螺杆菌空泡毒素的结构与功能研究进展以及在未来免疫预防与免疫治疗中的作用进行了简述。
The vacuolating cytotoxin is a unique proteinous cytotoxin producted by H. pylori that showed no striking primary sequence homology with other known baterial toxins. The cytotoxin is an important fator in the pathogenesis of H. pylori, which induces vacuolation of epithelial cells and plays an important role in gastric epithelial necrosis and peptic ulceration. In the paper, the progress on structure and function of the vacuolating cytotoxin of H. pylori and the roles of the H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin in the future immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy were reviewed.
Letters in Biotechnology