

Clinical Observation of Craniocerebral Injury
摘要 本文报道986例颅脑损伤患者的临床观察,其中男616例,女370例,平均年龄44岁。立即手术者455例。临床观察中发现颅内血肿或脑疝而进行手术者340例。21例术后1~3天内出现迟发性颅内血肿而再次手术。文章就临床观察中的一些问题进行讨论,指出临床观察的主要指标为意识和瞳孔的变化;对烦躁不安者应进行动态分析,并强调术后的临床观察,及时发现术后的迟发性颅内血肿。最后提出了定期CT随访的价值。 Clinical records of 986 patients with craniocerebral injury were retrospectively analysed. 616 patients were male and 370 patients were female. The mean age was 44 years old. 340 cases of 455 patients were operated for hematoma or hernia diagnosed by bedside observation. 21 patients needed second operation for delayed hematoma 1-3 days postoperatively. The indexes of clinical observation were discussed. The results showed that the changes of consciousness and pupil were the important indexs. Agitation should be evaluated in dynamic process. The postoperative observation was important for the early diagnosis of hematoma. Periodic CT follow up was valuable.
作者 陈立梅
出处 《伤残医学杂志》 1999年第2期17-19,共3页 Medical Journal of Trauma and Disability
关键词 脑损伤 血肿 临床观察 CT Craniocerebral injury Hematoma Chinical observation Computer tomography
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