利用变质量天体力学方法研究了太阳质量变化对小行星轨道根数的影响。质量变化包括因光子辐射和太阳风造成的质量损失以及因太阳吸积周围星际物质造成的质量增加两个联合因素。利用Gyld啨n -Meshcherskii(G -M)型变质量天体轨道根数变化方程的一阶和二阶解对 7颗小行星轨道根数的长期和周期性的影响作了数值计算。在一阶解中太阳质量流失对小行星轨道半长轴、轨道偏心率和近点辐角的变化率产生增大作用 ,而质量吸积起减小作用 ;在二阶解中两者均起增大作用。不过质量流失大于质量吸积的作用 ,故总的趋势是使半长轴、偏心率和近点辐角的变化率增大。
The influence of the variation of solar mass on the orbital elements of Asteroids is studied by using the method of Celestial Mechanics with variable mass. The variation of solar mass includes the two united factors of the mass-loss due to photon-radiation and solar wind and the mass-increase due to solar mass accretion. The numerical computation for the influence of the variation of solar mass on the secular and periodic changes of the orbital elements of seven Asteroids has been made by using the first-order and second-order solutions of Gyldén-Meshcherckii equation and Jeans law. In the first-order solution, solar mass-loss makes the increase of the variable rate of the orbital elements, a, e, ω of seven Asteroids. But the solar mass-accretion makes the decrease. In the second-order solution, both the solar mass-loss and the mass-accretion make the increase. But the role of the mass-loss is larger than the role of the mass-accretion. Theorfore, the general tendency makes the increase of the variable rate of the orbital elements, a, e, ω of Asteroids. The numerical results are listed Tables 1-2.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences