
tPA Involvement in Ovulation──Studies on Mechanism of Ovulation:Role of Tissue Type Plasminogen Activator

tPA Involvement in Ovulation──Studies on Mechanism of Ovulation:Role of Tissue Type Plasminogen Activator
摘要 This review summarized our recent studies on involvement of tissue type plasminogen activator(tPA)and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1(PAI-1) in process of ovulation.We have demonstrated that 1)hCG induces ovulation and coordinated tPA and PAI-1 gene expression in both rat and monkey ovaries;(2) GnRH and FSH are also capable of inducing ovulation by increasing ovarian tPA and PAI-1 gene expression in the same manner as hCG does;(3)Compounds which increase tPA production can induce oviation while compounds which decrease tPA and/or increase PAI-1 expression inhibit ovulation. Based on the data provided,a working model on the involvement of tPA in ovulation is presented. tPAInvolvementinOvulation──StudiesonMechanismofOvulation:RoleofTissueTypePlasminogenActivatorLIUYi-xun(StateKeyLaboratoryofRe...
出处 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1994年第2期70-78,共9页 发育与生殖生物学报(英文版)
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