
基于案例的推理和GIS相集成的技术在规划申请审批中的应用 被引量:7

Integrating Case-based Reasoning and GIS for Handling Planning Applications
摘要 基于案例的推理 (Case -BasedReasoning ,CBR)是基于知识的专家系统 (Knowledge -BasedSystems ,KBS)领域中的一个分支。它的基本思想是参照过去的案例 (case)来处理当前面临的新问题。这种系统能在自己的案例库中搜索以前解决过的类似案例 ,根据当时做过的决策及其后果对眼前的新问题提出合理的建议。与基于规则的推理和基于模型的推理等传统的专家系统技术相比 ,CBR直接利用具体、特殊、非抽象、众人认同的知识 ,因而适合于那些主观性强 ,不确定性强 ,牵扯因素多 ,特例多的领域。地理信息系统 (GIS)是处理空间信息的常用工具 ,它在城市规划中的作用已被普遍认同。本文介绍了作者集成CBR和GIS的尝试。这个集成系统旨在帮助规划师和决策者更好地处理和审批规划申请。该系统可为规划师迅速提供与当前申请性质相似或者在空间上相近的规划申请案例 ,以及在处理旧案例上的经验教训 ,帮助规划师提高工作效率 ,更全面地考虑问题 。 Case based Reasoning (CBR) is a knowledge based system (KBS) technique that used previous similar cases to deal a new problem. As CBR used concrete and specific knowledge, instead of abstract and generalized knowledge, it is suitable to fields in which the human experts knowledge is hard to explicitly express and represent, such as urban planning. This paper attempts to integrate case based reasoning with GIS to help planner and decision makers in Hong Kong to make decisions on planning applications. The system that integrates CBR and GIS can retrieve and evaluate old planning application cases that are similar to a new planning application. With the help of these similar old cases, the planner can increase the efficiency and consistency when they make recommendations on the new planning application. The system can also help to accumulate the knowledge in the planning department and to train new planners. This system integrates a CBR software package, ESTEEM, with ArcView through DDE of Windows.
作者 叶嘉安 施迅
出处 《城市规划汇刊》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期34-38,共5页 Urban Planning Forum
关键词 城市规划 GIS 案例库 规划审批 reasoning,integrate,planning application
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  • 1Shi X,Environment and Planning.B:Planning and Design,1999年,26卷,3期,345页
  • 2Yeh A G O,Environment and Planning.B:Planning and Design,1999年,26卷,1期,101页
  • 3Han S Y,Expert Systems:Applications to Urban Planning,1990年,241页





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