
抗氧化营养素对小鼠免疫功能的调节作用 被引量:2

The regulative effect of antioxidative nutrition to immunity of mouse
摘要 为研究不同剂量的抗氧化营养素联用对免疫功能正常小鼠的细胞免疫调节作用 ,每天给小鼠补充硒 1μg、β 胡萝卜素 0 1mg、VE 0 2 4mg、VC 1 2mg。结果显示 ,小鼠的淋巴细胞转化功能显著增强 ,脾细胞对IL 2的反应活性增强以及提高了NK细胞活性。但超过一定的剂量范围 (硒 5μg、β 胡萝卜素 0 5mg、VE 1 2mg、VC 6 0mg)则表现出明显的免疫抑制作用 (P <0 0 1) ,表明抗氧化营养素有双向的免疫调节作用。研究还发现硒、β 胡萝卜素、VE、VC联用在一定剂量范围内具有抗免疫抑制剂 (环磷酰胺 )的作用 ,刺激免疫功能低下的小鼠脾细胞产生IL 2 ,增强淋巴细胞的转化功能 ,提高NK细胞活性 ,恢复受抑制的淋巴细胞产生IL To study the cell immunity regulative effect of different dose antioxidative nutrition on mouse with normal immunity.50 mice were divided into 5 groups,each groups received different dose of antioxidative nutrition for 20 days.It was found that the immune\|normal mice filled\|in Se 1 μg,β carotene 0.1 mg,VE 0.24 mg,VC 1.2 mg(Dose A) showed obviously to enhance the lymphocyte proliferation and the activity of natural killer (NK) cell and the respondent activity of spleen cell to IL\|2( P <0.01).When mice were filled with Se 5 μg,β\|carotene 0.5 mg,VE 1.2 mg,VC 6.0 mg,their immunity were significantly lower than the controlled group( P <0.01).It showed that antioxidative nutrition have both positive and negative immunity regulative effects.The model of immune\|suppressed mice were made by intra\|peritoneal injection of cyclophosphamide.It was found that the immune\|suppressed mice filled\|in Dose A showed a obviously increase in the lymphocyte proliferation and NK cell activity and spleen cell activity to IL\|2.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 2001年第2期13-15,共3页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
关键词 免疫系统 小鼠 调节作用 抗氧化营养素 保健食品 Dietary Supplements\ Immue System\ Mice
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