目的 :探讨先天性唇腭裂患儿手术前后的特殊喂养护理。方法 :对 36例患儿 ,分别采取了母乳喂养、奶瓶喂养和汤匙喂养。结果 :36例患儿顺利渡过了手术前后的特别喂养阶段 ,患儿身高、体重有所增加。增长幅度附合新加坡 0~ 72月正常婴幼儿身高、体重增长曲线。结论 :针对患儿特点 ,选择适宜的喂养方法是保证患儿手术前后喂养成功的关键。
Objective: To rescarch special perioperative feeding and nursings method for infants with cleft lip and palate . Methods: According to the infants' different conditions, breast feeding, bottle feeding and spoon feeding were tried separately for 36 infants with cleft lip and palate. Results: By keeping continuous growth, infants with cleft lip and palate successfully undewent the special feeding period before and after surgery.The increases in weight(height) were comparable to the percentiles of weight(height) by age for children aged 0~72 months in Singpore.Conclusion: According to infants' condition, choosing the feeding method suitable for the infant is the key to feeding success.
Chinese Journal of Nursing