目的 总结外伤性肾损伤的诊治体会 ,提高肾损伤的诊治效果。 方法 回顾分析186例外伤性肾损伤的诊治资料。 结果 186例肾损伤患者中 ,伴有合并伤 76例 (4 0 % )。其中保守治疗 12 8例 ,发生并发症 7例 ;手术治疗 32例 ,其中肾切除 2 0例 ,切除率 6 3% ;肾动脉栓塞治疗 2 6例 ;死亡 12例 ,死亡率 6 %。 结论 准确进行伤情评估 。
Objective To evaluate the management and diagnosis of 186 cases of renal trauma. Methods 186 cases of renal trauma were retrospectively studied. Results 76 cases of 186(40%)were complicated by other organ injuries. 128 cases were managed without surgical intervention and 7 of them had complications. 32 cases were treated by open operation and 20 of them required nephrectomy. 26 cases were treated with selected renal arteriographic embolism. 12 patients died of injury(6%). Conclusions The extent of the injury should be evaluated accurately and quickly.The most important was to decide the treatment strategy,open surgery or not.
Chinese Journal of Urology