
赤潮的监测和防治简介 被引量:8

Monitoring, Prevention and Control of Red Tides
摘要 近海水域有机物污染,引起海水富营养化,是形成赤潮的主要原因。赤潮不仅给渔业生产、海水养殖业带来重大损失,而且破坏了海洋环境,危及人民的健康。近年来,我国沿海赤潮时有发生,应加强对有发生赤潮潜在危险海区的经常性观测和监测;切实控制沿海工业和生活污水的任意排放;科学、合理地开发利用海洋资源;推广科学养殖技术,防止海水养殖自身污染;大力开展有关赤潮科学的研究,特别是赤潮的防治方法和技术研究。 Red tides occur mainly in nutrlent-enriched seawater due to organic pol.lution, They have not only caused disastrous consequences to fisheries and aquaculture, but also deteriorated marine environment, and even posed serious threats to public health. In recent years, red tides have sporadically occurred in offshore waters of our country. So we must enhance regular observations and monitors in areas with the potential outbreak of red tides; take practical measures to control unlimited discharge of domestic and industrial wastes into these waters; develop and exploit marine resources in a scientific and rational way; introduce advanced technology in aquaculture; prevent aquaculture from self-contamination; conduct an active study in red tide science, with the emphasis on methodology and technology in order to eliminate the occurrence of red tides or minimize their harms.
出处 《黄渤海海洋》 CSCD 1991年第2期65-69,共5页 Journal of Oceanography of Huanghai & Bohai Seas
关键词 赤潮 监测 防治 red tide prevention control
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