
贮藏方式对板栗品质及其微生物种类数量消长的影响 被引量:13

Effects of Different Treatments on the Quality and the Microorganisms' Kinds and Quantities of Chestnuts in Storage
摘要 采用 3种贮藏处理探讨了板栗果实贮期的品质变化及病栗上微生物种类数量消长状况。在冷藏条件下 ( 0~ 2℃ ) ,用麻袋内衬有孔聚乙烯塑料袋包装的处理其栗果总损失率最小 ,为最佳处理 ;而仅用麻袋包装的处理总损失率最大。栗果贮期失重高峰发生在入贮后第1、2个月。栗果贮期腐烂主要由多种真菌为害所致 ,主要为 :拟茎点霉 (Phomopsissp .)、壳梭孢 (Fusicoccumsp .)、炭疽菌 (Colletotrichumsp .)、毛霉 (Mucorsp .)及栗疫菌 (Cryphonectriaparasitica)等。真菌的种类和数量在不同贮藏时期及不同处理中存在明显动态变化。采用杀菌剂和k1 药剂对几种真菌进行抑菌试验表明 ,百菌清基本无抑制作用 ;多菌灵对多数供试菌具很强的抑制作用 ;k1 药剂高浓度时抑制作用较强 。 The effect of three treatments on the quality change and the microorganisms' kinds and quantities of chestnuts in storage was studied. The results showed that, under the condition of cold storage (0~2 ℃), the proportion of total losses of chestnut packed with gunny-bag having holes plastic bag within is the smallest ; while that of the packed with gunny-bag only is the biggest .The peak period of weight-losing during storage is in the first and second month.The rot chestnuts were caused by many kinds of fungi including Phomopsis sp., Fusicoccum sp, Colletotrichum sp., Mucor sp. et al . Notable changes have taken place on the kinds and quantities of the fungi in different periods. The test of restraining fungi with fungicide and k 1 indicated that cholorothalohi had no effect on the fungi ,while carbendazim and k 1 with higher density had powerful restraining effect on them.
出处 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期47-51,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University:Natural Sciences Edition
关键词 板栗 贮藏 品质变化 病原微生物 Chinese chestnut Storage Quality change Pathogen
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  • 1冷怀琼,果品贮藏的病害防治及保鲜技术,1991年
  • 2邵力平,真菌分类学,1983年
  • 3魏景超,真菌鉴定手册,1979年
  • 4方中达,植病研究方法,1977年




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