近 30年来 ,国际社会在人口、资源、环境可持续发展认识、研究和实践诸方面均取得长足进步 ,中国作为人口最多的发展中国家更是做出不懈地努力 ;可持续发展本身即表明它的长期性和艰巨性 ,能否实现在于政策的科学性 ,战略和策略的正确性 ,决策的可行性。本文从中国实际出发并结合国际社会可持续发展的理论和实践 ,侧重人口角度提出人口、资源、环境可持续发展宏观决策选择和改革的思路。
In the past thirty years, great improvement has achieved in the understanding, study and practice of sustainable development on population, resources and the environment worldwide. China as the most populous developing country in the world contributed a lot in this field and is making continuous efforts. However, sustainable development proves itself a long-term and arduous task, whose achievement depends on reasonable policy, proper strategy and feasible decision. This paper puts forward the thoughts on macroscopic decision selection and reform of sustainable development on population, resources and the environment, combined Chinese reality with theories and practice of sustainable development in international society.
Population Research