作为全国资源的富集区 ,西部矿业开发要在 2 1世纪地区经济发展中作出应有的贡献 ,不仅需要一个长期的开发过程 ,而且更需要一个明智而有效的发展战略。从西部地区资源、环境、区位条件及长期实践出发 ,认真把握未来市场变化、积极推动精品为先发展、努力调整地区产品结构和合理组织空间生产应成为 2 1世纪西部矿产资源开发战略的四项基本内容。上述战略的实施不仅有赖于资源的保障、中央政府的认可和资金与技术的支持 ,而且有赖于整个社会环保意识的加强。
As one of the greatest potential areas of mineral resources in the country, West China would be much more relying on mineral exploitation to develop its regional economy than any others in the 21st century. In view of the poorer image in ecological environment, geographical location and mineral economy, the development strategy of mining industry in West China would be changed from its traditional concept, which mainly focused on interest in increasing the mineral production in quantities, into a new one. In that case, mineral production in the future in West China should pay full attention to improving the know-how of marketing change, the quality of products, products' structure, and spatial organization as well. It is also very important to realize that the mining industry has a long way to go to be a good builder rather than a bad destroyer in the local environment.
China Population,Resources and Environment
中国科学院"九五"重大项目阶段成果 (KZ951 -A1 - 2 0 2 )