:介绍了按上海大众汽车公司的TL -VW 6 17和TL - 5 2 2 5 8标准研制的切边式V带。通过对橡胶配方的优化组合、短纤维掺入齿底胶和抗拉层选用硬质聚酯线绳等技术的研究 ,并采用合理实用先进的生产工艺 ,制造出了质量好、使用寿命长的V带。该带可在桑塔纳、奥迪。
The cut-edged V-belts researched according to the standard TL-VW617 anc TL-52258 of Shanghai Dazhong cars company were introduced. The V-belts of good quality and long uselife were made by studying the technology of preferred combine of the formula, adulterating the tooth underlayer with short fabric, selection of hard PU line-rope in the tensile layer, and using the rational, practical, advanced technology. The belts may be applied to the cars of santana, audi ete.
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