
安顺山药营养成分分析 被引量:37

Analysis of nutrient components in Anshun Chinese yam
摘要 通过对安顺怀山药、安顺参薯两个栽培品种营养成分分析 ,结果表明 ,安顺怀山药、安顺参薯固形物含量极高 ,含水量显著较国内其它省市低 4 .0 2 %~ 6.66%和 10 .68%~ 17.3 8% ;蛋白质含量为国内其它省市的 150 %~ 190 %和 2 50 %~ 3 10 % ;总氨基酸含量为国内其它省市的 13 0 %~185%和 183 %~ 2 60 % ,且两种山药总氨基酸中必需氨基酸齐全、丰富 ,均达总氨基酸的 3 6%以上。两种安顺山药中硒含量均较国内有关省市高出 1 56~ 9 83倍和 5 2 5~ 3 2 94倍 ,特别是近几年新引进的参薯栽培品种 。 This paper analyzed nutrient components in Anshun D alata,the results show both of them contain higher quantity in solid substance,less water the former lower 4 02%-6 66%,the latter lower 10 68%-17 38%.Higher quantity in protein the former higher 150%-190%,the latter higher 250%-310%,higher quantity in total amino acid the former higher 130%-185%,the latter higher 183%-260%, as well as essential amino acid all surpass 36% than those in other areas Furthermore their nutrient components are abundant,especially in Se element the former higher 1 56-9 83,the latter higher 5 25-32 94.For recently intraduced D alata,it is significantly better than traditionally cultivated D opposta either in nutrient value or in adaptability of processing.
出处 《山地农业生物学报》 2001年第3期191-195,共5页 Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
关键词 山药 长根 栽培品种 营养成分 药食兼用 Chinese yam long root cultivate variety nutrient components analysis
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