本文回顾了国内外岩土锚固的发展简史 ,论述了我国岩土锚固在理论、设计、材料、施工、工程应用 ,软土锚固和复合土钉支护等方面的主要成就和最新进展 ,并对今后我国岩土锚固技术发展中的若干关键问题 ,如锚杆的设计与试验、腐蚀与防护 ,理论研究与技术开发的方向等提出了意见。
The ground anchorages is a key branch of the geotechnical engineering The strength and stability of rock and soil can be enhanced The advantage is to decrease the self?weight of structure,to save the engineering materials,and to benefit the cons truction safety The development of ground anchorages is reviewed throughout the country and world in the paper It includes the new achievements of ground anchorages,the application of anchoring in weak soil,and the multiple soil nailing Some suggestions on the key problems of the development of ground anchoring technology in China are also discussed Such as the design and experiment,the corrosion and protection,as well as the directions of research are also presented in the paper
China Civil Engineering Journal