
有限变形的弧长算法 被引量:2

Solving finite deformation problem with arc-length method
摘要 近些年来 ,人们提出了很多方法来解决结构静力非线性跟踪分析问题。其中 ,弧长算法应用最为广泛 ,但是 ,其中仍存在很多问题。本文针对梁板壳结构计算中的有限变形弧长算法 ,首先引入了将位移自由度与转动自由度分离提法 ,在此前提下对前人已有的算法加以改造 ,建立一个 N + 1维的增量弧长方程组进行跟踪求解 ,本文同时引入了无量纲化、增量板长自动调节系数、奇点的判定准则 ,最终提出一个实用的弧长算法。本文在结尾将给出几个算例以显示该算法良好的跟踪性能。 A considerable number of path\|following procedures have been proposed in the last decade to follow solution paths in nonlinear static structural problems, among which arc\|length methods have been widely used in practical applications, however the method is not well established to some criteria. By further investigation of the approach within the framework of continuation methods in this paper, A new arc\|length method has been proposed. Firstly, this paper introduces an important idea of separating displacement freedom and rotational freedom from node freedom in finite element arc\|length method. Secondly, we also introduce the new dimensionless method, automatically incremental adjustment modulus and the criterion of discriminating limit point. Finally, we propose a practical arc\|length method on the base of previous methods, a few examples are given to illustrate the validity and effectiveness of the new method.
出处 《计算力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期259-266,共8页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (1 9772 973 )
关键词 有限元 弧长算法 全程跟踪 梁板结构 finite element arc\|length method tracing of complete load path
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