

The design of deep foundation pit supporting and handling of pilewall accident
摘要 介绍了某工程深基坑支护的设计方法 ,指出了设计中应注意的问题 对于施工引起周边建筑物的开裂和倾斜事故 ,提出采用锚杆及水泥土搅拌桩对深基坑边坡进行加固的措施 . This article describes the design of deep foundation pit supporting of some project;it also points out the problems which should be paid attention to during designing;About the accident of peripheral crack and inlination,the author thinks it should strengthen the slope of deep foundation pit with anchor rod and deep mixing pile.
出处 《华北水利水电学院学报》 2001年第2期51-53,共3页 North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power
关键词 深基坑 基坑支护 防渗帷幕 事故处理 工程施工 deep foundation pit foundation pit supporting pilewall accident.
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