
四杆可共线铰链四杆机构运动特性研究 被引量:1

Kinematic Characteristics of Four-Bar Linkage with Co-linear Position
摘要 本文利用机构广义坐标虚位移线性方程的雅可比矩阵求秩的方法,论证了四杆可共线的铰链四杆机构共线位置时运动不确定的特性,还介绍了上述机构在共线位置求全部速度瞬心的方法。 Using the method of jacobi matrix in linear equations of generalised coordinates of virtual displacement to seek the sequence, this paper demonstrated that the movement of the four-bar linkage mechanism is transient at the co-linear position. It also introduced a method to find out all the instantanious centers of the mechanism metioned above at the co-linear position.
出处 《吉林工业大学学报》 CSCD 1991年第4期52-55,共4页
关键词 铰链四杆机构 速度瞬心 雅可比矩阵 jacbi matrix, instantanious centre
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