论述了魔芋的成份、药用价值及其它用途 ,阐明了魔芋产品的开发及种植魔芋的前景。魔芋的重要成份是具有奇特性质的葡萄糖甘露聚糖 ,以此为原料或食品添加剂可研制出一系列保健食品。魔芋还用于医疗及其它多种行业 ,而且易于栽培、管理、加工 ,产量高 ,国内外市场需求量日益增加。魔芋是山区地带很有开发价值和种植前景的植物资源。
This paper briefly introduces the ingredients, medicinal value and other uses of Amorphophallus, and shows the prospect of its exploitaltion. Gwcomannan, the main ingredient of Amorphophallus, has special characteristics, which can be used to produce a serious of health food. Amorphophallus can be used in many other fields. It can also be easily planted and processed. The ever-increasing demand of the market shows the Amorphopallus is an important botanical resource with great exploitation in mountain areas.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences