目的 了解大学生的心理健康状况及其影响因素。方法 采用横断面研究方法对 1 0 2 6名大学生先用“心理健康测查表(PHI)”进行心理健康测验 ,然后让其中可能存在不同程度心理问题的 41 2人填写“卡特尔 1 6种个性因素量表 (1 6PF)”和自编的“大学生心理健康影响因素调查表”。用逐步回归分析筛选影响因素。结果 42 .83 %的大学生可能存在不同程度的心理健康问题 ,1 6 .2 2 %的在校学生存在各种比较明显的心理问题 ;其心理问题主要集中在过度兴奋状态 (53 .0 3 % )、躯体化 (31 .72 % )、抑郁 (31 .48% )、脱离现实 (2 4 .46 % )和病态人格 (2 4 .2 1 % ) ;逐步回归分析结果表明 ,心理不健康状况与个性因素中的乐群性、稳定性、有恒性、自律性、聪慧性和兴奋性呈负相关 ,与忧虑性、怀疑性和敢为性呈正相关 ;多种负性生活事件可能影响大学生的心理健康。结论 大学生的心理健康状况不容乐观 。
Objective To understand the psychological health state of college students and to find out the factors associated with psychological health. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1026 college students in Ugandan areas. At first, all students were surveyed with the psychological Health Inventory (PHI). Then 412 students who might have various degrees of psychological disorders were surveyed with the Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF) and self-designed questionnaire about the influence factors of mental health. The factors associated with psychological health screened by stepwise regression analysis. Results Approximately 42.83% of college students might have psychological disorders, 16.22% had all kinds of obvious psychological disorders, which included hypomania (53.03%), somatization (31.72%), depression (31.72%), Unrealistic (24.46%) and Psychopathic Deviate (24.21%). Stepwise regression analysis showed that unhealthy psychological health status was negatively correlated to affectothymia, ego strength, superego strength, self-sentiment, intelligence and surgency and were positively correlated to guilt proneness, suspiciousness and parmia of personality traits. Many negative life events had effects on psychological health status of college students. Conclusions Psychological health status of college students is not optimistic. Many personality traits and negative life events are its main influencing factors.
Chinese Journal of School Health