
出口袋装四季豆加工过程中的护绿研究 被引量:4

Study on the Green-maintaining of the Packaged String Bean during processing
摘要 对四季豆在加工过程中所采用的护绿措施以及护绿效果进行了研究 ,探讨护绿方法和工艺条件。结果表明 ,经过挑选分级的四季豆于 95~ 10 0℃水中烫漂 1 5min左右 ,充分快速冷却后置于 pH 1 5柠檬酸溶液中 ,室温褪色 2 5h ,流动水浸泡去除多余的酸后 ,于 85℃、30 0mg/LCuSO4 溶液中浸泡 2 5min ,流动水冷却清洗 2h至水无色 ,随后放入质量分数为0 6 %CaCl2 溶液中浸泡 10~ 15min ,捞起后放到 pH 4 2柠檬酸溶液中以四季豆占 6 0 % ,柠檬酸溶液占 4 0 % ,包装封口 ,于 85~ 90℃水浴杀菌 2 0~ 30min。所得产品质地良好 ,色泽理想。 Based on the comprehensive discussing of the measures of green-maintaining for string bean during processing, an optimum condition was demonstrated in this paper That is, at first, selecting and classifying fresh string bean and blanching in fresh water at 95~100℃ for 1 5min, then cooled quickly and completely, using citric acid solution of pH 1 5 to fade the color of string bean at room temperature for about 2 5h, after rinsing the residue acid solution, dipping them into 300?mg/L CuSO 4 solution at 85℃ for about 25minutes After cooled and rinsed by flowing water for about 2h, the string bean are soaked in 0 6% CaCl 2 solution for 10~15minutes Picked up, the string bean was added pH 4 2 citric acid solution by 40% weight ratio, sealed, then pasteurized at 85~90℃ for about 20~30minutes The final product has good texture and idea green color
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期35-38,共4页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 四季豆 护绿 加工过程 生产工艺 string bean, green-maintaining, processing
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