5Yuji Shimomura, Katsuya Takigawa, Kazuo Tagawa and Motoshi Sunami. New Ester - Type Refrigeration Lubricants Primarily for Household Refrigeraors. Proceedngs of 2000 International Refrigeration Conference at Purdue,2000.
6S. Gopalnarayanan and G. D. Rolotti. Performance of R - 407C with Miscible and Immiscible Lubricants in Unitary Systems.Proceedings of 2000 Intemational Refrigeration Conference at Purdue, 2000.
7Mark W. Spatz, Robert G. Richard. Performance and Oil Return Characteristics of HFC/HC Blends. Proceedings of Ninth International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, 2002.
8Kenneth N. Marsh, Mohamed E. Kandil. Review of thermodynamic properties of refrigerants + lubricant oils. Fluid Phase Equilibria,2002,199( 1 - 2).
9William R. Finkenstadt and Aditi Mulay. Improving Hydrolytic Stability of POE Lubricants by the Addition of Acid Catchers.Proceedings of 2000 International Refrigeration Conference at Pardue, 2000.
10Shoichi Tominaga, Toshinori Tazaki, Shigeo Hara. Various Performance Of Polyvinylether (PVE) Lubricants With HFC Refrigerants. Proceedings of Ninth International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue,2002.