易水土流失的陡坡耕地退耕后的还林和还草应遵循 :首先符合当地天然植被分布、生长发育规律 ;其次符合自然生态进展演替的规律 ;第三 ,符合当地产业结构的调整 ,增加农民经济收入的需要 ;第四 ,符合市场发展规律 ,建立超前持久的产业经济。做到宜林则林 ,宜草则草 ,乔、灌、草结合 ,生态效益优先。
Regress of cropland to forestry and pasture, as the key point of enfor cement of large-scare-development-in-west-China and its construction of eco -envi ronment, including varied contents such as how to regress, how to plant, the var iety and mixture model of tree and pasture. The study emphasized that regress of cropland to forestry and pasture should accord with the followings: distributio n and development rules of natural vegetation, progressive succession rule of na tural ecology, regulation of local industrial structure and demands of increasin g financial income of farmers, market rules and construction of vigorous industr ial economy. Furthermore, on the basis of local conditions, somewhere should be planting trees, somewhere should be planting forages, and somewhere should be co mbination of arbor, shrub and forage. In summary, gave priority to ecological effects.
Pratacultural Science