目的 观察硫酸镁、新利尿合剂联合治疗重度妊高征并急性左心衰的疗效 ,探讨重度妊高征并急性左心衰的有效疗法。方法 对 92例使用硫酸镁、新利尿合剂治疗的重度妊高征并急性左心衰病例的资料分析研究。结果 92例用药后 2 0分钟血压明显下降 ,尿量增加 ,症状减轻 ,急性左心衰在 6 0分钟内得到纠正 ,91例治愈 ,1例死于急性肺水肿、室颤。结论 硫酸镁加新利尿合剂联合治疗重度妊高征并急性左心衰疗效确切、安全、副作用少。
Intention To probe into the effective treatments of acute left heart failure complicated far advanced pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH) by observing the curative effect of treating acute left heart failure complicated far advanced PIH by combining magnesium sulfate and new diuretic mixture Methods By analyzing and studying the information of 92 cases of left heart failure complicated by far advanced PIH treated by combining magnesium sulfate and new diuretic mixture Results The blood pressure of 92 patients dropped obviously twenty minutes after using the medicine and left heart failure was corrected in 60 minutes 91 patients were discharged from hospital after recovery One patient died from acute pneumonedema, and ventricular fibrillation Conclusion The treatment of acute left heart failure complicated far advanced PIH by combining magnesium sulfate and new diuretic mixture is effective, safe and has little by-effect
Medical Journal of Liaoning