文章论述了我国师范教育改革与发展中的几个理论问题及其逻辑关系。教师专业化问题主要关注的是教师职业的地位 ,而师范性与学术性之争及封闭定向型与开放非定向型教师教育体制优劣的讨论 ,都是由教师教育的双学科基础衍生出来的问题。教师专业化问题 ,不但依赖于教师教育专门化程度的提升和教育学科的科学化 ,而且依赖于教师教育理念的更新。师范性与学术性、封闭定向型与开放非定向型 ,这两对矛盾是可以协调的 ,教师教育的一体化理论与实践 ,无疑有利于使这两对矛盾达到“和谐”。
This essay elaborates several theoretical issues and their logical relationships in the innovation and development of teachers' education in China. The issue of teaching as a profession mainly concerns the status of teacher's profession and originated from the bi\|disciplined base of the profession. So to professionalize teaching depends not only on the enhancenment of the speciality level of teachers' education and the scientific level of education discipline, but also the transformation of the educational issues of teachers. The unity of teachers' roles, on one hand as a nomal and on the other hand as a scholar, helps to improve teachers' professionalization.
Journal of Higher Education