镇旬铅锌矿田矿物包裹体研究表明 ,本区铅锌矿床最初形成于中—低温、弱—中等还原环境 ,成矿介质属低盐度、酸性条件下的Cl-—SO42 -—F-/K+ —Na+ —Ca2 + (Mg2 + )热卤水流体 ,成因以沉积为主 ;经多期改造后的矿床出现中偏高温的成矿 ,加之沉积围岩的盐类组分不断及时地加入到成矿热液中 ,致使原喷流热流体类型逐渐演变为CI-—F-(SO42 -) /Na+ (K+ )—Mg2 + (Ca2 + )
Researches on mineral inclusions in the Zhen'an-Xunyang lead zinc ore field have indicated that the lead zinc ore deposit formed in a weak moderate reduction environment of meddle low temperature,in which the ore forming media belong to thermal brine fluid of Cl - SO 4 2- F -/K + Na + Ca 2+ (Mg 2+ ) with low salinity and acidity. The genesis of the deposit is mainly sedimentary. Mineralization under middle high temperature condition occurred in the deposit after multiple phase deformation. That salty elements continuously increased into the ore forming fluids from wall rocks changed the original eruption fluids into the type of Cl - F -(SO 4 2- )/ Na + (K +) Mg 2+ (Ca 2+ ) gradually.
Geology of Shaanxi