三峡电力市场是中国第 1个跨大区的电力市场 ,它的建设有着十分重要的意义。文中探讨了三峡电力市场的竞争模式 ,并对交易的商品、方式和机构进行了分析。建议三峡电力市场采用批发模式 ,且只从事期货和现货主电能交易及事故备用容量期货交易。在三峡电力市场初始运行时期 ,可不设立备用容量现货交易市场。三峡电力市场不提供辅助服务中的无功与电压控制和负荷频率控制 ,也不设实时电力电量平衡调节市场。由于三峡电力市场涉及分层的问题 ,因此还讨论了三峡电力市场与区域电力市场间的关系。
The Three Gorges Power Market (TGPM) will be the first cross--region power market. and play a very importantrole in guiding the restructuring efforts of the power industry in China. This paper discusses some issues concerning thestructure of the TGPM such as the competition mode, the involved commodities and trading mode in this market. It issuggested that the wholesale mode should be employed and only forward and spot energy markets and a forward reservemarket should be set up in the TGPM. At the initial operating stage of the TGPM, it is not necessary to set up a spot reservemarket. In addition. some ancillary services such as reactive power and voltage control, load--frequency control and real-timepower balance will not be provided in the TGPM. Since a multiple layer market structure is recommended for the TGPM. therelationship between TGPM and regional power markets is also clarified.This project is supported by National Key Basic Research Special Fund of China (No. G1998020305). the ResearchGrant Council (RGC). Hong Kong SAR Government, and the Committee of Research and Conference Grant (CRCG), theUniversity of Hong Kong.
Automation of Electric Power Systems
国家重点基础研究专项基金! (G19980 2 0 30 5 )
香港政府大学研究基金! (RGC)
香港大学研究基金! (CRCG)资助项目。