用直流气体放电活化反应蒸发法在玻璃基片上沉积的SnO2 超微粒薄膜 ,研究其过程中各工艺参数对薄膜结构的影响及作用机理。结果表明 ,SnO2 超微粒薄膜粒径随氧分压增加而增大 ;蒸镀时间的延长有助于SnO2 的生成 ,也使薄膜发生晶化 ;而增加放电电压 。
The ultrafine particle films of tin oxide were deposited on glass substrates by gas discharge activating reaction evaporation. The crystal stracture and surface morphology of typical samples prepared in various conditions was studied by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the average size of particles increased with oxygen pressure increasing. The uniform and amorphous SnO 2 ultrafine particle films with an average particle size of 40~50 nm were deposited, when the oxygen pressure was 8 Pa. With increase of oxygen pressure and extension of deposition time the films were oxidized enough and crystallized and the crystal grains grew in SnO 2(110). When the discharge voltage was raised, the crystal grains obviously grew in SnO(001) and SnO 2(200), respectively. The peak from SnO 2(200) was specially strong and sharp and the films had a growing tendency toward single crystallinity.