用热线风速仪采样测定了装有防返混锥的旋风分离器旋进涡核 (PVC)的作用范围和频率、幅值等参数 ,并用FFT变换的方法进行了处理。结果表明 ,防返混锥极大地抑制了旋进涡核的作用 ,特别是使旋进涡核的作用范围控制在内旋流很小的区域内 ,有效地防止已分离粉尘的再次扬起。
The precessing vortex core (PVC) was measured in a cyclone separator with anti reentrainment cone fitting in its dust hopper by means of hot wire anemometer. The parameters of PVC, such as frequency, amplitude and existing area of PVC were obtained after the velocity samples were analyzed by FFT. Anti reentrainment cone can control the action of PVC. Especially, the existing area of PVC is limited in inner vortex core. The fine particles near the wall stirred up and reentrained into inner vortex core are reduced greatly, which shows the possibility of anti reentrainment cone to improve the efficiency of a cyclone separator.
Journal of the University of Petroleum,China(Edition of Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金资助 (2 0 0 76 0 2 8)