

2-D Extension of AP Algorithm
摘要 交替投影(AP)的极大似然算法由于其最接近CR下界的良好似然估计性能和适当的计算量受到人们的重视。本文通过采用直角交叉的两个直线阵实现了AP算法的二维拓展,计算量约与两个一维DOA估计计算量相当。 Alternating projection of maximum likelihood algorithm was recognized as an important method of DOA estimation because of its good statistical approximation to CRB and a modest computational complexity. In this paper, this algorithm was extended to 2-D DOA estimation through two spatial cross-linear antenna array. The computational load correspond to two l-D AP algorithm, the 2-D DOA pair was also solved in this method.
作者 王河 肖先赐
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 2001年第4期358-362,349,共6页 Journal of Signal Processing
关键词 交替投影算法 直角交叉阵 二维拓展 信号处理 AP algorithm cross-linear array 2-D extension
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  • 1Liu Tsunghsien,IEEE Trans SP,1998年,46卷,2061页
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