
地高辛中毒118例血药浓度相关因素及临床表现分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Related Factors and Clinical Expressions in 118 Cases of C_(DGX)>2.4ng·ml^(-1)
摘要 目的 :研究地高辛血药浓度 (CDGX) >2 .4ng·ml-1在中毒诊断中的作用及影响因素。方法 :本文对1 990年 4月~ 1 999年 1 2月 1 1 8例 CDGX>2 .4ng· ml-1住院病例进行了统计分析。结果 :80 .5 % CDGX>2 .4ng·ml-1患者的 BUN>7.2 mmol.L-1,合并使用使 CDGX升高药物的占总例数的 5 5 .7% ,ECG检查示房室传导阻滞的占 2 9.7% ,室性早搏占 2 7.1 %。结论 :CDGX>2 .4ng· ml-1是多种因素共同影响的结果 ,包括肾功能损害、合并用药等因素 。 OBJECTIVE: To study the cases of C DGX >2.4ng·ml -1 in diagnosing digoxin toxicity and the relating factors influencing the C DGX . METHODS: To analysis the 118 cases who had received the digoxin treatment and whose C DGX >2.4ng·ml -1 from APR. 1990 to DEC.1999. RESULTS: The cases whose BUN were above 7.2 mmol·L -1 (BUN>7.2mmol·L -1 ) were 80.5 percents in total studying cases, and 55.7% of the cases had used the other medicine together with digoxin, the cases in which electrocardiography (ECG) showed the atrioventricular block (AVB) and ventricular premature beat were 29.7% and 27.1% . CONCLUSION: C DGX >2.4ng·ml -1 is a common result induced by multi factors including combined medication, the kidney injury and so on. The toxicity diagnose should combine the results of C DGX with the clinical symptoms.
机构地区 北京天坛医院
出处 《中国现代应用药学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期398-399,共2页 Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy
关键词 地高辛 血药浓度监测 中毒 临床表现 药物中毒 Digoxin, TDM, Toxicity
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