在黄河故道沙地进行喷灌施肥试验 ,探索速效氮、磷、钾移动特点。结果表明 :三者随灌水量和土壤湿润深度增加同步移动 ,但差异较大 ,钾分布重心移动距离最大 ,氮次之 ,磷最小。因此 ,在沙地结合施肥进行喷灌时 ,应根据不同植物及其不同生育阶段根系分布范围和相应施肥种类 ,来决定灌水量 ,以提高水肥利用率。
To study the transferring characteristics of quick acting elements,nitrogen, phosphor and potassium, experiment on spraying irrigation and fertilization was conducted in sand soil in the old course of the Yellow River. The result showed that the three elements dispersed synchronously with the increase of irrigation quota and of soil moisture depth. But difference was distinct: the deviation potassium was the greatest, nitrogen, the second and phosphor, the least. By fertilizing and irrigating in sand soil, irrigation quota could be decided on to increase the utilization efficiency of water and fertilizer according to different plants and root distribution scope in different growth stages and corresponding fertilizer.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College