目的 探索人胆囊上皮细胞的较佳分离方法和合适的生长条件 ,为研究胆囊的生理功能和相关疾病打下基础。方法采用IV型胶原酶及钝性擦刮法分离细胞 ,IV型胶原包被培养皿 ,DMEM/HamF12培养基联合培养。结果 每个胆囊可分离得到( 5~ 10 )× 10 7个胆囊上皮细胞 ,接种 1周内生长旺盛 ,第 3、4天达到峰值 ,呈现扁平多角形成片贴壁状态。结论 IV型胶原酶消化法可成功分离人胆囊上皮细胞 ,DMEM/HamF12培养基可提供较为满意的生长条件。
Objective To explore the suitable method for separation and growth conditions of human gallbladder epithelial cells (HGBEC) for establishing the basis of research work in physiological function of gallbladder and its related diseases. Methods HGBEC were isolated with collagenase type IV and cultured in DMEM/Ham F12 medium. The cultural dishes were firstly coated with collagen type IV and bovine calf serum. Morphological changes of the cells were observed and the growth curve of the cells was made. Results A total of (5-10)×10 7 cells were obtained from a single human gallbladder. These cells grew vigorously within one week and reached the maximum at the 3rd and the 4th day. The cells were flat and multangular in shape, and attached to the dishes. Conclusion Collagenase type IV digestion can successfully separate the HGBEC, and DMEM/Ham F12 can provide satisfactory growth condition for HGBEC.
Journal of Third Military Medical University
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 9970 0 3 9)