利用红外光谱 (IR)和氢释放谱相结合的方法 ,研究了a-Si:H的结构与其光衰效应的关系 ,结果发现 :随着Br含量的增加 ,IR谱中的 2 10 0cm-1峰以及H释放谱中的低峰逐渐减弱 ,以至完全消失 说明a-Si:H网络中的织构组织由于Br的掺入而逐渐消失 ,a-Si:H由均匀的Si-H组成 材料的光暗电导率比显著增加 ,达 5× 10 4,材料在 5 0 0℃以上基本无H释放 。
The structure properties of bromine(Br) doped a-Si:H have been investigated by infrared(IR) and hydrogen evolution(h-evolution) spectra The experimental results show that with the increase of Br introduction, the peak intensity of IR at 2100cm -1 and fhat of H evolution on at the temperature of 320° decrease and disappear when the partial pressure of Bromine exceeds 103 Pa, which results in the homogeneous distribution of H in the film in the form of Si-H The ratio of photo to dark conductivity of Br doped a-Si:H reaches 5×10 4, indicating good photosensitivity The film is stable below the temperature of 500℃ as the H-evolution spectrum shows