金词的审美价值主要体现在为词史提供了审美范型上的北派风格。禀有北方文化因子、沾溉于北方文学清新劲健、自然率性的美学传统、外化于创作主体尚气任侠的文化心理和精神气质以及制约于商业发展水平、音乐文化流行状况等时代社会因素的特殊性———正是在这些因素的综合作用下 ,金词的北派风格得以形成。
Jinci embodied its aesthetic value in providing the history of Chi an aesthetic model, the northern genre style. Natured by the northern culture, endowed with the powerfulness,clearness and straightness of northern literature's aesthetic tradition, externalized by the chivalrous mettle and northerly cultured fortitude, and conditioned within the economy as well as fashion and many other social cultural factors in that time, the northern genre of Jinci came into being.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University