

Monte-Carlo simulation on fractal growth of ultra-thin film at low temperature
摘要 用 Monte-Carlo方法模拟了不同沉积速率下超薄膜中多粒子扩散、多中心生长的动力学过程。成核率随沉积速率的增大呈指数上升 ,成核率随时间的增大而迅速下降 ;对于确定的沉积速率 ,各个粒子在衬底上的扩散步数相差非常大 ;粒子按扩散步数的分步具有多重分形的特性。 The kinetic processes of multiple particles diffusion and multiple cluster growth of ultra thin film at different deposition rate have been studied by computer simulation.The number of nucleation raises exponentially with increasing deposition rate.The difference in diffusion steps of each particle on the substrate is very large for the fixed deposition rate.The diffusion step distribution of particles shows the multifractal behavior.
作者 王戴木
出处 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第3期15-17,共3页 Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 薄膜 粒子 沉积速率 模拟 多重分形 蒙特卡罗模拟 thin film particle deposition rate simulation multifractal
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