本文讨论了在制定信息与计算科学专业的培养计划过程中 ,从注重实践性教学环节与相应的理论教学相配套入手 ,以提高学生的应用能力为目标 ,有的放矢地设置实践性教学环节 ,使学生的应用能力得到有计划培养的方法以及取得的初步成果。同时 ,探讨了知识、技能和能力间的关系。
In this paper, the method of training student's applying ability in the speciality of information and computational science is discussed. The method focus on setting practice teaching process cooperating with theoretic teaching process which can promote the applying ability of students. At the same time, the relationship of knowledge, skill and ability is discussed.
Journal of Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering