目的 探讨生长激素对实验性梗阻性黄疸并发的内毒素血症及肠粘膜屏障损害的防治作用。方法 建立梗阻性黄疸大鼠模型分为黄疸组 (2 0只 ) ,生长激素治疗组 2 0只 ,假手术组 2 0只做为对照。治疗组每日皮下注射生长激素 0 75IU/kg ,持续两周。第五周测定各组大鼠血内毒素值 ;电镜观察肠粘膜形态。结果 生长激素治疗组内毒素值为 (0 40± 0 0 2 )EU/ml显著低于黄疸组的(0 77± 0 0 3)EU/ml,(t=6 2 37、P <0 0 1)。与假手术组无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。电镜检查示黄疸组小肠上皮微绒毛破坏、细胞线粒体肿胀变性、内质网扩张、细胞核变性坏死。治疗组病变不明显 ,与假手术组相似。结论 生长激素可保护梗阻性黄疸时肠粘膜屏障、降低内毒素血症的影响。
Objective To evaluate the effect of recominant human growth hormone(rhGH) in the prevention and treatment of endotoxemia(ETM) in murine experimental obstructive jaundice (OJ) Methods Twenty OJ rats received subcutaneously given rhGH of 0 75*!IU/kg daily for 2 weeks (rhGH group). Blood endotoxin(ET) was measured, and intestinal mucosa was observed under electron microscope at 5th week.Results In rhGH group, ET level 〔(0 40±0 02)*!EU/ml〕 was significantly lower than OJ rats〔(0 77±0 03)*!EU/ml, n =20〕 ( t = 6 237, P <0 01), and was similar to that in sham operation rats 〔(0 33±0 03)*!EU/ml, n =20〕 ( P >0 05). Under electron microscope bowel villi in OJ group were distroyed, epithelial cells were degenerated and necrotic, whereas in rhGH group the ultrastructural pathology was much less evident and similar to that in sham operation rats. Conclusion rhGH has significant effect on protecting the injured mucosa barrier in OJ,and decreases ETM significantly.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery