讨论了地质统计学 (空间信息统计学 )在固体矿产资源 /储量分类中应用的若干问题 ,主要包括 :1)矿产资源 /储量估计方法的选择 ;2 )两个重要概念———估计方差及离差方差 ;3)支撑效应及其在矿产资源 /储量评估中的重要作用 ;4)特异值 (特高品位 )的识别及处理方法 ;5 )关于吨位—品位曲线 ;6 )确定最优勘探网度及取样间距(及位置 )的地质统计学方法 ;7)地质统计学在确定最优矿床工业指标中的应用 ;8)储量计算及固体矿产资源
This paper studied some problems of application of geostatistics (spatial information statistics) in classification for resources/reserves of solid fuels and mineral commodities. The paper has dealt mainly with eight questions; 1) Choise of estionation methods for mineral resources/reserves; 2) Two important concepts: estimation variance and dispersion variance; 3) support effect and its important role in appraisal of mineral resources/reserves; 4) Identification and handling of outliers (very high-grade); 5) about reserve tonnage-grade curve; 6) Geostatistical methods for define optimum density of propecting net and sample inteval; 7) Use of geostatistics to define optimum industrial inder of ore deposit; 8) Geostatistical carry out programme to calculate reserves and classification for resources/reserves of solid fuels and mineral commodities.
Geology and Exploration