本文采用气相色谱填充柱,研究测定水果、蔬菜和粮食中19种有机氮和有机磷农药的混合多残留分析方法。样品用丙酮—水振荡或组织捣碎提取,二氯甲烷萃取,凝结法净化,使用Sigma2和8500型带有NPD的气谱仪测定。气相色谱柱长1m,内径0.2cm,填充5%OV—17/Chrom Q80—100目,该柱在恒温条件下,一次能将19种有机氮和有机磷农药完全分离。通过对相对保留时间和峰值重现性的测定,以及方法回收率、添加回收率、最低检测限的试验,证实方法的准确可靠,经过应用,确认方法的可行性。其相对保留时间和峰值重现性的变异系数分别为0.00—1.19%和1.30—10.13%,添加回收率为85.16—100.30%,变异系数为0.60—8.43%;方法最小检测量为0.58×10^(-11)—6.10×10^(-10)g最低检测浓度为0.0004—0.0610ppm。
A gas chromatographic method without derivatization was established for the residue analysis of 19 organonitrogen and organophosphorus pesticides in cereals, fruit and vegetable. The samples were blended or shaken with acetone-water for extraction. The extracts were partitioned with diehlormethane. The organic phases were cleaned by coagulation. The residues were determined by gas chromatography rquipped with NPD and a 1m long and 0.2 cm id glass column packed with 5% OV-17on chrom Q (80 - 100mcsh). All of the 19 organonitrogcn and organophosphorus pesticides were separated under constant temperature. The experiment showed that the method described above was applicable to the multircsiduc analysis of 19 pesticides in cereals, fruit and vegetable. The variant cocflicicnt for relative retention times was 0-1.19% and that of peak height reproducible was 1.30-7.9% The method has satisfactory recoveries (85.16-103.3%) and good variant coefficient (0.60-8.43%). The minimum tectability was 0.58 × 10-11 - 6.10 ×10-10 g , and minimum detectability concentration was 0.0004 -0.0610ppm.
Rural Eco-Environment