本文从酸雨成因入手 ,根据全省降水监测数据等资料 ,对四川省酸雨污染现状及变化趋势进行分析 ,结果表明 :我省酸雨污染面积广、频率高、酸度强 ,近五年 ,酸雨频率有下降趋势 ,但降水酸度无明显减弱 ,酸雨污染形势依然严峻 ;降水组份中 ,硫酸根离子和硝酸根离子比值逐年下降 ,说明大气污染特征已由煤烟型转为煤烟型与机动车尾气混合型。
The article is an analysis of the situation of acid rain in Sichuan Province and its change tendency. The main points are : 1) The frequency of acid rain descended slowly, but the acidity of rainfall did not decrease obviously, so we shall still face a serious situation of acid rain pollution ; 2) According to the monitoring data, the proportion of sulfur ion to the nitric ion has been decreased year to year. It shows that the air pollution pattern in the province is changed from the emission of burning coal to the mixed emission of both coal burning and motor exhausting.
Sichuan Environment