电力市场是利用市场机制的手段来实现电力系统资源的优化配置 ,因而电力市场既具有商品经济的一般运动规律 ,也有自身的特点。电力市场动态分析是研究电力市场从一个状态过渡到另一个状态的运动规律。电力市场各成员都是独立的利益驱动型主体 ,由此可以得出电力市场成员的动态模型 ,并在此基础上形成电力市场的动态模型。电力市场的各个成员之间依靠电价与供求数量等信号进行相互协调 ,但由于电价更新周期较长 ,导致电力市场的动态过渡过程较长 ,将造成频率变动过大 ,因此电力市场的动态过程需要加速 ,该文提出了罚款 /津贴的方法来实现加速。
Power market makes resources optimally allocating by market mechanism, and it appears not only general market laws, but also its own characteristics. Power market dynamic analysis studies the laws of power market moving from one state to another.Power market components are independent, profit driven entities from which we can get their dynamic models, and then get power market dynamic model on the basis of these component models. Power market components cooperate with each other by such signals as price and quantity etc. Since the cycle length of price is very long, the frequency may be changed much when there is imbalance power, so it is essential to accelerate power system movement, and a method using fine or allowance to do this is proposed in this paper. Power system frequency adjusting and stability are also analyzed in this paper.
Proceedings of the CSEE