

Cuttage seedling - raising of poplar for high - yield forest
摘要 通过试验,选出适宜本地气候且速生的杨树优良品系5个;确定培育丰产林用苗的适宜密度为1.8~2.0万株/hm2,插穗长度为15~25cm,粗度不小于0.5cm。 Five elite strains of poplar that suited to local climate and growing fast were selected by trials. 18000 to 20000 trees per hectare and cuttings 15 to 20 long, bigger or equal to 0. 5cm in diameter were regarded as op- timum design.
机构地区 白城市林科院
出处 《吉林林业科技》 2001年第5期47-48,共2页 Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 杨树 丰产林 苗木 培育技术 poplar cutting stock seedling - raising method high - yield forest
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