
不同类型早稻干物质积累与农艺特性的比较研究 被引量:3

Comparison of Dry Matter Accumulation and Agrono mic Characteristics Among Different Types of Early Rice
摘要 选用湖南近年通过品种审定并在生产上大面积推广应用的 7个不同类型早稻品种 (组合 ) ,比较分析了其干物质积累、生长动态、产量及米质性状的差异。结果表明 ,杂交早稻组合前期苗高与叶面积增长迅速、分蘖能力强 ,具有明显的早长快长特性 ;两系杂交早稻比三系杂交早稻生育期缩短 ,整精米率提高 ,垩白米率降低 ,垩白面积减小 ,因而综合性状优于三系杂交早稻 ,具有更大的发展潜力。 Seven different types of early rice va rieties or combinations includin g two two-line hybrids, two three-line hybrids and three conventional varietie s , which have been registered and widely used in Hunan Province in recent yea rs, were c ompared on their differences in dry matter accumulation, growth dynamics, yield and grain quality characters. The results showed that hybrid rice had a faster i ncrease than conventional rice in seedling height, leaf area and number of till ers in early growth stage. Two-line hybrid rice had an earlier maturity, higher head rice recovery, lower chalky rice percentage and chalky area than three-li ne hybrid rice, which indicates that two-line early hybrid rice has a better de velopmental prospect.
出处 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期51-53,共3页 Hybrid Rice
基金 湖南省自然科学基金项目 (湘科计字 2 5 2 2 ) 国家早稻品种改良工程资助项目 ( 1998 2 0 0 1)
关键词 早稻 干物质积累 生长特性 米质性状 比较研究 类型 early rice dry matter accumulation growth character istics grain quality
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