利用稀硫酸溶液于 60℃提取粮食中残留熏蒸剂硫酰氟 ,经氮气吹扫 ,用 5mol·L- 1氢氧化钠溶液吸收 ,使其转化为氟离子 ,用氟离子选择电极测定氟离子浓度 ,从而推算出硫酰氟的含量。该法对玉米、大米、豌豆的检出限分别为 0 .5 ,0 .8和 0 .5mg·kg- 1。
The residual fumigant sulfonyl fluoride (SO 2F 2) remained in grain is extracted with 0.05mol·L -1 H 2SO 4 at 60℃. Air or nitrogen is bubbled into the solution at a flow rate of 60ml·min -1 to carry out SO 2F 2 and to be absorbed in 5mol·L -1 NaOH solution in which it is transformed to fluoride ion. The fluoride ion is determined by using ion selective electrode, and the content of the residual SO 2F 2 is calcalated from the F - concentration obtained. This method has been applied to the analysis of corn, rice and pea, with detection limits of 0.5mg·kg -1 , 0.8mg·kg -1 and 0.5mg·kg -1 respectively.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)