为加强干部保健规范化管理 ,本文介绍了加强组织领导 ,发挥各级职能 ;加大投入力度 ,改善医疗环境 ;强化服务意识 ,提高人员素质 ;健全规章制度 ,完善服务措施 ;深化服务内涵 ,拓宽服务范围等做法。为军队医院搞好干部保健工作提供经验。
To strengthen the normalization management of the cadre health care, it is introduced in this article that strengthening the organization leader, exerting the all levels functions; increasing the inputting dynamics, improving the medical treatment environment; consolidating the serving consciousness, raising the personnel diathesis; sanitying the rules system, perfecting the serving measure; deepening the serving intensive, developing wide the serving limit and so on way. The experience should be provided for the cadre health care being done well in the military hospital.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army