“肾阳亏虚”并不普遍符合当今阳痿病的发病学规律和证候学规律 ,房劳伤不是现代人类阳痿的主因。在分析现代人类社会生活背景和引述流行病学调查资料的基础上 ,指出情志之变 ,因郁致病 ,是阳痿病发病学的重要环节。阐述了因郁导致阳痿的生理学基础和“因郁致痿”“因痿致郁”的病理机制 ,提示“解郁”
Deficiency of Kidney-yang did not always correspond with onset of impotence regularly,and sexual excess injury was not the major factor of impotence in modern men.On the bases of analysing modern men's living conditions and quoting epidemiological survey, this paper noted that change in emotion and impotence caused by depression are key links to onset of impotence,moreover,relieving depression is indispensable in treating impotence
Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine