颜德馨教授从脾论治高脂血症 ,提出高脂血症病涉五脏而独重于脾 ,而痰瘀是高脂血症的主要病理产物。提出健脾、疏肝、通府泄浊、益气活血化痰、理气活血化痰等治法 。
Prof.Yan De Xin treats hyperliper through the methods of regulating the spleen,and puts forward the view that hyperliper is involved in five organs,especially in the spleen,and phlegm and stagnation is the main pathologic production of hyperliper.Application of ivvigorating the spleen.smoothing the liver,loosing stool to remove waste,replenishing and regulating qi,activating blood flow and melting phlegm and other therapeutic methods advanced by him got a satisfactory effect and which are worthy to popularizing and referring in clinic.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine