设{x_n,n≥1}是一有限非齐次马氏链,S_n(k)是序列 x_1,x_2,…,x_n中状态 k 出现的次数,A_n(k,l)是序偶序列(x_1,x_2),(x_2,…,x_3),…,(x_n,x_(n+1))中状态序偶(k,l)出现的次数.本文给出关于 S_n(k)/n 与A_n(k,l)/S_n(k)的强大数定律成立的一个充分条件.
Let{x_n,n≥1} be a finite nonhomogeneous Markov chain,k,l be states, S_n(k) be the number of occurrence of state k,A_n(k,l)be the number of occurrence of ordered couple(k,l)of states in the sequence of ordered co- uples(x_1,x_2),(x_2,x_3),…(x_n,x_(n+1)).In this paper a sufficient condition under which the strong law of large number for S_n(k)/n and A_n(k,l)/S_n(k) holds is presented.
Journal of Hubei Polytechnic University